My Teaching Outlook
The way I teach at university, is to apply research/practice-led methods that draw on the principles of triangulation in their use of multiple methods, sources or time space modalities to elicit new insights and understandings around a particular subject. I am well versed in pedagogical models of studio-based learning and apply this method in most of my courses. In small groups, students are encouraged in their ability to analyse power constructions and interconnections by placing their own subject positions and worldviews within a historical, ecological, global context, thus providing them with the ability to reflect upon and position themselves responsibly and ethically within the world. It is a learning based on research and discovery (forschendes und entdeckendes lernen) that encourages a learning of ‘becoming’ rather than ‘doing’ and fosters a sense of social collectivity and self-efficacy among the students, empowering them to act professionally and critically in pedagogical and socio-political, global contexts.
Seminar Courses at the University of Cologne 2011- Present
In the BA undergraduate studies, I teach in the fields of Social Sciences, Politics and Educational Sciences for the module Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen II: Kulturelle Vielfalt und Differenz, Seminar 1 und 2 (Societal Challenges II: Cultural Diversity and Difference). In the Master study program, I provide seminars for the Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Bildung IKB (Intercultural Communication and Education) Politics M1, Social Sciences M3, and Educational Sciences in the modules Migration and Diversity 1and 2. In Gender Studies I service the major Gender and Queer Studies, in the module Transformationen sozio-kulturelle und rechtliche Ungleichheiten Seminar 1 und 2 (Transformations sociocultural and legal Inequalities) and Vergeschlechtlichtes Wissen und Bildung, Seminar 1 und 2 (Sexualised Knowledge and Education).
Sommersemester 2020
Postkolonialer Feminismus
Intersektionale Migrationspädagogik
Age of Migration
Schlüsselwerke der Migrationsforschung
Wintersemester 2019/20
Gesellschaft und Geschlecht: Kritische Gender-Forschung nach Michel Foucault und Judith Butler als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung
Intersektionale Migrationspädagogik
Global Cities - Exploring Theory Through Practice
Sommersemester 2019
Age of Migration
Contact Zones: Zur Verwobenheit von Ethnizität, Sexualität, Gender und Nation
Intersektionale Migrationspädagogik
Schlüsselwerke der Migrationsforschung
Wintersemester 2018/19
Intersektionale Migrationspädagogik
Dämonisierung der Anderen: Rassismuskritik der Gegenwart
Global Cities – Exploring Theory through Practice
Sommersemester 2018
The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World
Contact Zones: Zur Verwobenheit von Ethnizität, Sexualität, Gender und Nation (Seminar Kooperation prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril, Center for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies)
Schlüsselwerke der Migrationsforschung
Examenskolloquium Migrationspädagogik
Wintersemester 2017/18
Dämonisierung der Anderen: Rassismuskritik der Gegenwart
Examenskolloquium Migrationspädagogik
“Arbeitswerkstatt Virtuelles Migrationsmuseum” Teil 1. (T-T Dipl.- PÓ“d. Tim Wolfgarten)
“Arbeitswerkstatt Virtuelles Migrationsmuseum” Teil 2. (T-T Dipl.- PÓ“d. Tim Wolfgarten)
Sommersemester 2017
Contact Zones: Zur Verwobenheit von Ethnizität, Sexualität, Gender und Nation
Schlüsselwerke der Migrationsforschung
The Age of Migration
Wintersemester 2016/17
Postkoloniale Migration
Postkoloniale Migration
Diversität in der globalen Stadt
Foucaults Theorie der Disziplinarmacht (Team-Teaching Dr. Stephan Neubert)
Sommersemester 2016
Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: Practical Expressions in Performance, Film and Writing
Seminar/Arbeitskurs „Anti-islamischer Rassismus in Gesellschaft, Politik, Medien und Wissenschaft“ (Team-Teaching Dr. Staphan Milich – Oreintalistik , DP Miriam Remy)
Köln Postkolonial
Wintersemester 2015/16
Globaler Süden vs. globaler Norden? Clean, Pray, Love (T.T Dr. Markus Gamper)
Postkoloniale Migration (Team-Teaching Dr. Markus Gamper)
The Age of Migration
Köln Postkolonial
Sommersemester 2015
Globaler und lokaler Islam (Team-Teaching Dr. Markus Gamper)
De-und rekonstruktionelle Soziologie (Team-Teaching Dr. Markus Gamper)
Köln Postkolonial
The Age of Migration
Wintersemester 2014/15
The Age of Migration
Cultural Studies and Education (Team-Teaching Dr. Stephan Neubert)
Postkoloniale Migration
Sommersemester 2014
Postkoloniale Migration
Wintersemester 2013/14
Globaler Süden vs. globaler Norden? Clean, Pray, Love (Team-Teaching Dr. Markus Gamper)
Globaler und lokaler Islam (Team-Teaching Dr. Markus Gamper)
Sommersemester 2013
Postkoloniale Migration
Wintersemester 2012/13
Sommersemester 2012
Wintersemester 2011/12
Sommersemester 2011