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Monica van der Haagen-Wulff

Born in Sydney, Australia

Lives in Bonn, Germany


For my own practice, combining art, movement and theory in my meaning-making is a way to maintain integrity as an artist who, first and foremost, creates art from an intuitive, personal space beginning in the body and the senses. By intertwining the discipline of performance-art and academia, and secondly introducing the body and senses into my academic writing, I have been able to find a bridge between the artwork and the critical dissertation that results in a dialogue between these two textual forms that strives towards being open and non-hierarchical. As such it can be understood as a form of resistance to hegemonic knowledge constructions and a way to clear a space to imagine new, less violent more egalitarian models of co-existence for the future.



Professional Experience


2010 – Present

Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, Department of Education and Social Sciences, Chair: Education and Cultural Sociology, University of Cologne


0,5 Associate Lecturer (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben LfbA 13 TV-L) teaching in Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Critical Race Theory, Globalisation, and Migration


1994 – 2006

University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Indonesian Language and Culture lecturer, curriculum development


1994 – 2006 

Insearch (ILC) Language Centre, Sydney 

Indonesian Language and Culture, adult education


1991 – 1996

University of New South Wales, Australia

Indonesian Language and Culture lecturer


1994 – 1999

Tertiary and Further Education TAFE, Meadowbank, Sydney N.S.W

Indonesian Language and Culture, curriculum development and adult education


Education and Performance Training


  • Doctorate of Creative Arts (DCA) thesis title: Troppo Obscura: A Peepshow of Historical Perversity, University of Technology, Sydney, 2005

  • Challenges to Perform Cross-Culturally: Seeing/Feeling, Hearing/Dancing, Presenting/Writing, Reflecting/Remembering, Centre for Cross-Cultural Research, Australian National University, 2002

  • Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree at the University of Sydney, 1991

  • National Australian Languages Scholarship Scheme (NALSS), one year of intensive Indonesian language at Gadja Mada University, Indonesia 1997

  • Principles and Practices of Teaching and Learning, Professional Development Centre, University of New South Wales, 1996

  • Contemporary Performance: 6 months Tadashi Suzuki stomping and actor training, Side Track Performance Group (1996), Movement classes with Entre’act Theatre Company (1992-1993), Movement workshops with Suprapto, Indonesia (1992-1993), and Performance workshops with Teater Sae, Budhi S.Othong (1992-1994), Theatre workshops with Benkel Teater Rendra, Jakarta,  (1986-1994).

  • Indonesian dance: Topeng Losari, traditional mask dance, Cirebon (1992-1999), Jaipongan, contemporary dance, West Java (1983-1992), Kreasi Baru, contemporary dance, Yogyakarta, (1992-1994), Pendet Panyembrahma, traditional dance, Bali (1983 and 1988), Jejer Gandrung, traditional dance, East Java (1992-1994) Klana and Golek, traditional dance, Central Java (1997-1999)




English, German and Indonesian: native fluency, Dutch: near native fluency


Selected Academic Publications 1991 – Present


  • Postcolonial Studies (Co-Author Julia Reuter). In: Meuser, Michael/Klein, Gabriele/Gugutzer, Robert (Hrsg.): Handbuch Körpersoziologie. (pending 2020)

  • Body Hegemonies 2017: An Experimental Transfer (Co-Authors Michael Lazar and Fabian Chyle). In:  Journal for Artistic Research JAR (in review, pending 2020)

  • Kritik der ästhetischen Erfahrung des Wir (Co-Autor Paul Mecheril) In: Meyer Torsten/Eschment Jane/ Rodonò (Hrsg.): Arts Education in Transition: Ästhetische Bildung im Kontext kultureller Globalisierung und Digitalisation, kopaed München (S.141-150), Kunst Medien Bildung‘ (2020)

  • Angst und Wut. Zur affektiven Konstruktion migrationsgesellschaftlicher Ordnung (Co-Autor Paul Mecheril) In: M. Kulucatan & H. Behr (Hrsg.): Migration, Religion, Gender und Bildung. Beiträge zu einem erweiterten Verständnis von Intersektionalität (S.157-174). Bielefeld: transcript (2020)

  • Accredited Affects: Discourses on Migration and Threat (Co-Author Paul Mecheril). In: Flubacher, Mi-Cha/Hägi-Mead, Sara (eds.): Taboo and Transgression. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration, Integration, and Diversity (Theoretische Beiträge des Zentrums für Integrationsstudien, Band 1). (p. 25-38) Dresden: Zentrum für Integrationsstudien (2020)

  • Postkoloniale Theorien. In: Zeller Joachim/Bechhaus-Gerst Marianne (Hrsg.): Deutschland Postkolonial? Die Gegenwart der Imperialen Vergangenheit, (S.319-336) Metropol Verlag (2018)

  • Migration, Europe, and Staged Affect-Scenarios (Co-editor Paul Mecheril) In: Europe Now: a journal of research & art, Special feature on Anxiety Culture, Issue 19/ July (2018)

  • Gorgobad: reflections on a German-Australian family biography. In: Entanglements: Remembering German-Australian Colonial Pasts, Postcolonial Studies Issue 21, N0 1, (2018)

  • De-cloaking Invisibility: Remembering Colonial South-West-Africa. In: Bartels Anke/Eckstein Lars/Waller Nicole/Wiemann Dirk (eds.) Postcolonial Justice, Cross/Cultures Volume 191, ASNEL Papers Volume 22, (p. 277-295) Brill/Rodopi: Leiden/Boston (2017).

  • The Gift: Singing Leichhardt, as part of the Queensland Museum virtual exhibition on Leichhardt:  (2017

  • The Gift: Dancing Leichhardt, as part of the Queensland Museum virtual exhibition on Leichhardt:  (2017)

  • Bedroht, angstvoll, wütend: Affektlogik der Migrationsgesellschaft (co-writer Paul Mecheril) In: Die Dämonisierung der Anderen. Rassismuskritik der Gegenwart (Hrsg.) Castro Varela María do Mar/ Mecheril Paul, (S. 119-143) Transcript Verlag (2016)

  • Dancing the in-between with Homi Bhabha. Becoming Minor as a Resource and Instrument of Postcolonial Migration Research. In: Reuter Julia/Mecheril Paul (Hrsg.) Schlüsselwerke der Migrationsforschung: Pionierstudien und Referenztheorien, (S. 279-397) Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (2015)

  • Culture, Language, Diversity: Questions and Answers in South Africa and Indonesia. In: The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 12(4) (p. 23-36), (2013)

  • A Secret Story of Repressed Desire: Margareta Macleod. In: gang re:Publik indonesian-australian creative adventures (eds.) Alexandra Crosby/Conroy Rebecca/Piper Sue/Cornall Jan,  (p. 72-80) Gang Festival Inc. (2008)

  • Ibu Sawitri and the A/Occidental Oriental. In: e-journal, Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, Special Issue: Women in Asia, Vol 3, No. 2 ( ) (2006)

  • Dancing in the ‘Contact Zone’. In: e-journal, Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, Special Issue: Women in Asia, Vol 3, No. 2 ( ) (2006)

  • Unlocking Australia’s Language Potential, Vol 5 Indonesian/Malay (1991)


Performance and Research Grants 1992 – Present


  • Akademie der Künste der Welt NRW - Performance Laboratory and Symposium:
    Body Hegemonies 2017 – An Experimental Transfer

  • SINTER (Social Inequality and Intercultural Education – University of Cologne) Grant – Workshop: Shifting Memories – Moving Histories: Remembering Postcolonial Cologne (2016)

  • Research Travel Grant to Indonesia, University of Cologne - UoC Forum:
    Cultural Heritage in Africa and Asia – Discourses and Practice (2015)

  • Art and Science in Motion - Wissenschaft und Kunst in Bewegung, international residency/ exchange, Visselhovede,Volkswagen Stiftung, Germany

  • University of Technology, Sydney, Performance Grant:
    DCA multimedia installation/performance (2002)

  • Carnivalé Multicultural Arts Festival:
    DCA multimedia installation, Development Grant, (2002)

  • Asia Link Residency:
    Indonesian mask dance training & film documentation, Cirebon - Indonesia (1998)

  • Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII):
    Development Grant, Indonesian mask dance/research, Cirebon - Indonesia (1998)

  • Australia Council of the Arts:
    Performance Grant (1996)
    Individual Development Grant, traditional mask dancing and making in Yogyakarta and Cirebon - Indonesia (1992)


Organisation and Staging of Conferences and Workshops:


  • Body Hegemonies 2017: An Experimental Transfer – Symposium und Performance:
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Concept/Organisors: Dr. Monica van der Haagen-Wulff und Dr. Fabian Chyle (Akademie der Künste der Welt NRW), 04. November 2017

  • Global Cities as a Challenge for Education
    University of Cologne, International Perspectives in Teacher Education, Organiser: Dr. Monica van der Haagen-Wulff and Dr. Michael Lazar (Artist/Scientist – University of Haifa, Israel), 15.-17. August 2017

  • Workshop: Shifting Memories - Moving Histories: Remembering Postcolonial Cologne:
    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, 11.-13. May 2016

  • IDA-NRW Conference: Das vom Anderen heraufzunehmende Gespräch – Über die Vermittlung von Theorie und Praxis in rassismuskritischen Kontexten, Köln, 2.-3. Dezember 2016

  • IDA-NRW Conference: Zum Theorie-Praxis-Verhältnis in der Rassismuskritik „Es gibt nichts Praktischeres als eine gute Theorie.“ „Das ist zwar theoretisch richtig, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis.“, Hattingen, 7.-8. November 2015

  • Workshop: Fictocriticism - writing the in-between
    Herbstwerkstatt: Centre for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies, Graduierten Schule 3GO, Universität Oldenburg, 16.-19. September 2014


Conference Papers and Public Lectures


  • Body Hegemonies: An Experimental Transfer between Academia and Art and Activism
    Breaking Boundaries: Academia, Activism and the Arts, University of Lisbon 25.-26. 9.2019

  • Securing Privilege: Historico-Political Narratives of Dangerous Bodies
    a.r.t.e.s. forum 2019: Politics of Sensemaking, University of Cologne, July 5. 2019

  • Affective Communication in Schools of the Migration-Society
    International Workshop on the Anxiety Cultures Project Profile and Research Strategy: Living and Learning in a World of Anxieties, Kiel university, November 15.-17. 2018

  • Colony Camp Border: Migration 2040
    Multimedia performance-lecture, presented at the Workshop “Shaping the Future: The Emergence and Impact of Future-Visions and Processes of Societal Transformation”, as part of the panel Migration 2040 at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg 6-7. September 2018
    Video installation:

      Performance Lecture:

  • Un-Using Colonial Pasts: Remembering Colonial South-West-Africa
    Lecture Series: Heritage, Conflict and Belonging, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus 13. December 2017

  • Un-Uses of Colonial Pasts in the Cityscapes of Cologne, Oldenburg and Cottbus
    Conference: Materialities of Postcolonial Memory – University of Amsterdam, 7.-9. December 2017

  • Accredited Affects: Discourses on Migration and Threat
    International conference Taboo and Transgression. The Power of the (Un)Told in Postmigrant Society, Centre for Integration Studies, Technical University, Dresden 22. June 2017

  • Einverleibung: Eine Postkoloniale Reflektion
    Symposium: Decolonising Arts Education, Institut für Kunst und Kunsttheorie, Universität zu Köln, 28-29. April 2017

  • Dancing the in-between: Reflektionen zu Migrationsbewegungen und transnationalen Lebenswelten, Lecture-Performance, Bonn, 18. März 2017

  • Discursive (Con)-structions of Threat-Scenarios in Migration Societies
    Symposium: Educational Responsibility in Times of Social Crisis, Centre of Humanities in Education (ZeBiG) Kiel University (Co-Author Prof. Dr. phil. Paul Mecheril Carl Ossietzky Universität, Oldenburg) 23. June 2016

  • Dancing the in-between: reflections on the (im)-possibilities of embodied academia
    Lecture-Performance: Kunstvolle Praxis - interkulturelle ungleichheitsanalytische Perspektiven auf Routine und Kreativität, FIST Forschungsstelle für interkulturelle Studien, Universität zu Köln,
    14. Januar 2015

  • Performative postkoloniale Migrationsforschung
    Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Julia Reuter und Dr. Monica van der Haagen-Wulff, Internationale Konferenz: Performigrations an der Universität Klagenfurt am 30. Juni 2015

  • De-Cloaking Invisibility: Remembering Colonial South-West-Africa
    Postcolonial Justice: Reassessing the ‘fair go’ Joint Conference of ASNEL and GAST in Potsdam and Berlin 29.-31. May 2014

  • Infiltrating the Domestic Fortress: The Resistance of Mas Marco Kartodikromo
    Conference: Resistance. Subjects, Representations, Contexts, Oldenburg University, November 6.-8. 2014

  • Lecture-Performance, Vortragsreihe „Migration - Geschichten Bewegen Grenzen“, Oldenburgisches Staatstheater in Kooperation mit der Universität Oldenburg, Juli 2013

  • Dancing in the Contact Zone: Eine Reflexion über die (Un-) Möglichkeit der Begegnung
    Lecture-Performance, Vortragsreihe „Migration - Geschichten Bewegen Grenzen“, Oldenburgisches Staatstheater in Kooperation mit der Universität Oldenburg, 29. Mai 2013

  • Origin – Transit –Destination (OTD). Diskontinuitäten in einer interkulturellen Kollaboration Veranstaltende:  Prof. Dr. Eva Sturm, Fak. III Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kultur Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril, Center for Migration, Education and Cultural Studies (CMC), Universität Oldenburg, 01 Juli 2013

  • Troppo Obscura: A Peepshow of Historical Perversity
    Images of Social Life, Visual Sociology Association Conference at the University of Southampton, UK 2003

  • White Body: Asian Moves
    Institute for International Studies (IIS) Annual Conference: Women and Radical Change at the University of Technology, Sydney 2002

  • Boxing the Colonial
    Visiting Scholars Program Challenges to Perform Cross-Culturally, organised by the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the Australian National University 2002


Selected  Performances


  • Body Hegemonies 2017: An Experimental Transfer, University of Cologne (2017)

  • – Teater Kita Makassar & APE –Sally Sussman, Sulawesi (2012)

  • The Tangled Garden, Bandung, Jakarta, Darwin Festival and Sydney (2007)

  • Troppo Obscura: A Peepshow of Historical Perversity, multimedia Installation, Carnivale Multicultural Arts Festival, Sydney (2002)

  • Girt by Sea, a marathon outdoor performance installation, Sydney (2002)

  • , hybrid dance performance, Karlsruhe, Leiden (2000)

  • People Eat Food, Cars Eat Petrol and Spirits Eat Incense, solo dance, Sydney (1999)

  • The Horned Matriarch, Sumatran hybrid folk theatre, Sydney (1998)

  • Prima but not a Ballerina, solo dance, Sydney (1997)

  • Badai Pasir, site specific performance installation/collaboration, Yogyakarta (1997)

  • , intercultural theatre production, Sydney (1996)

  • Plane Truth, theatre performance with Sidetrack Performance Group, Sydney (1996)

  • Sand Storm, performance installation, Sydney (1996)

  • , theatre production with Sidetrack Performance Group, Sydney (1996)

  • , solo mask dance performance, Sydney (1995)

  • Lines of Descent, dance performance, Balai Ensemble, Performance space, Sydney (1995)

  • Full Circle, solo mask dance ‘Asian Theatre Belvoir St Theatre, Sydney (1994)

  • Full Circle documentation on SBS News Extra National Television (1994)

  • Ini Bukan Saya, solo mask dance, Belvoir St Theatre ‘Open House’ (1994)

  • , a collaborative dance performance, Jakarta Cultural Centre (1993)

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