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Colony Camp Border:

Migration 2040


Colony Camp Border: Migration 2040 is a multimedia performance-lecture conceived for and first presented at the Workshop “Shaping the Future: The Emergence and Impact of Future-Visions and Processes of Societal Transformation”, as part of the panel Migration 2040 at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg in September 2018. Drawing on Ann Laura Stoler’s essay “A Deadly Embrace: Of Colony and Camp”(2016), and Achille Mbembe’s concepts of ‘a borderless world’ (2018) and ‘planetary consciousness’ this multimedia performance lecture attempts to visualise a Foucauldian dispositif of Colony, Camp and Border and performatively speculate on where and how the borders of those marked ‘fit for living’ and those ‘not’ might be drawn.

Link to the Video                           Link to the Performance Lecture

Link to Abstract                                                      Link to Citations

Concept and Performance: Monica van der Haagen-Wulff

Video Production: Matthias Meurer


Mbembe, Achille. 2018, The Idea of a Borderless World, Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Yale University ( – last accessed 21 Nov. 2018)


Stoler, Ann-Laura. 2016 Duress - Imperial Durabilities in our Times, Durham/London

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